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Views and Nature’s Times of the Day II


[…] For Maria Ktistopoulou, the views and the seasons of nature turn into a maze, where consciousness walks around and trans-mutes. Her transmuted observations and impressions, from her miscellaneous tours, are combined with memories, which, in turn, are combined with archetypal situations as well as thoughts which bring to light desires and fears about the lost and conquered again Paradise, which is threatened every day with extinction. The writing style, in these works, is complex. Her drawing realism is imbued with expressionistic elements and an occulted force that interconnects the contrasts through the diversity and the multi-levelness of a horizon enlarging and transforming the depth of the seen. This horizon changes constantly in the works of Maria Ktistopoulou. As for her nature, she approaches it sometimes from a low perspective, as if the view commences from the grass and the fallen branches on a, despite all, writhing ground, at times from elevated or diagonal fields, which let you embrace the beauty and at the same time the mystery, but the vastness of the flowering scenery as well. […]
[…] It is the light that becomes in essence the story of the seen and the unseen of nature. A humanistic nature that writes its story through the versions of a dubious reality against the duration, which is represented while it is at stake. But is this not the charm of life? A charm, which Maria Ktistopoulou depicts as approachable and at the same time inaccessible, through the transparent-ness, her shines, her reflections and notably through the preciousness of the negligibleness or a latent detail. And it is this detail, through the style, the tone, the way it is expressed, becomes the source where the sense of sustainability stems from, which is communicated by every artwork of the painter, inducing us to revivify the relationships of our nature and the one surrounding us.

Athena Schina

Art Historian and Art Critic

Πλατάνι λάδι σε καμβά, 180x68